How to Start A Successful Blog and Make Money From It (2023)

The world has been more or less converging toward convenience and being a home depot due to the internet. The working sector has changed a lot since the dawn of technology. Information is one of the most important and valuable things in this era of Knowledge and enlightenment.
Hence, comes the idea of sharing information and opinions through blogging and making it a career. Some people need to buy something, or they can’t choose between PS4 and Xbox X. Where do they go?
They search in the search engine to find an answer. The search engine directs them to a relatable blog post. The blogger who can convince them about something is a successful and influencing one.

Clearly, blogging wasn’t intended to earn money or something like that. Blogging is all about helping each other and sharing your views and ideas on something.
Suddenly, blogs changed to be an influencing platform other than a hobby as it was earlier. Time brings in changes to things, and now blogging is also a lucrative career choice. There are 500 million blogs out there on the internet. Over 1.5 million blogs are published daily, that is lots of information and ideas. But not all of them are successful, not all of them generate convincing ideas. Among all the blogging sites, about 10% of them earn a good amount of money. And many of them even making a million dollars per month by blogging! Cool, hah?
Choosing blogging as a career is a great idea, no doubt. But, you have to have a very good guide and strong characters to be able to make a massive amount from blogging. Being a blogger with more than 5 years of experience, I have compiled easy to follow and fruitful guides on how to start a successful blog and accompany you in the long run.
Ask Yourself: Should I Blog? Can I make money?
Yes, ask yourself. Blogging is more than a passion. As I mentioned above, It’s not that easy to make money from a blog. If you think that you are going to create a blog today and that’s gonna generate thousands of dollars the next day, then my friend, I have to say that, It won’t. It doesn’t work that way.
It’s true that for making a successful blog and make money from it takes a lot of effort. But, if you go smartly with your blogging journey, you can boost all of it. And that’s why we are here today.
I’m going to show you the smartest way to create your very first blog and make money from it. Read the full article. I covered all the things for building a successful blog for beginners.
How to Start A Successful Blog: 11 Steps
Let’s get commenced on the steps of creating the perfect blog for you that can even give you a career.
- Find out what you love to do and make you Excited and select a Niche to write for.
- Select a Name for your Blog (Domain Name)
- Find the best Host Provider.
- Install WordPress on Your Site.
- Install a perfect theme and must-needed Plugins
- Design and Customize Blog
- Create Quality Content (The Key)
- Do Proper Search Engine Optimization (SEO) [The Mastermind]
- Do Email Marketing
- Linking with Social Networking Sites
- Improving and Updating
1. Niche Selection

“Find your Fascination and Love” is the advice any blogger will give you when choosing a niche for your blog site. But for any successful blog or blog for profit, it is not always true. Yes, you have to be passionate about what you are writing. Besides, you have to choose a profitable niche. Picking a very popular niche is not good for monetary reasons as the high authority websites will leave no space for you.
So, what will you do? You have to be more specific with your niche. For example: If you want to make a Baseball related blog, then don’t go for the entire Baseball niche. Go more specific like, Baseball bat. By choosing a specific small niche, you can easily optimize your blog and rank in Google.
Another component to keep in mind is you have to research the demand for your niche. For instance, you want to start a baseball bat blog site. Then, first of all, search with Google trends. See the number of searches. Here you can have a decent idea about the competition and profitability of your blog niche. Google trends have a graph that depicts whether the niche of your hobby is dependable, or it changes from time to time. If the interest in gardening is rising and has a moderate amount of searches, then it is definitely okay for you to go after this niche.
Rising trends means you will have years ahead of you to make a big audience for this niche, and your blog traffic will be adequate.
Search the keyword for your niche. See if there is any advertisement about your niche on Google. If any company, organizations, or even single people are spending their money on advertising their products for your niche. Then it means you are on the right track. It also means you can Monetize your blog on AdSense and do affiliate marketing like Amazon Affiliate Program. Whatever, we will talk about it later.
[Pro Tips: Make your niche more specific. For a beginner, it’s not a good choice to go for a multi-niche blog site. You can grow your blog fast if you make your niche more specific]
2. Select a Name for your Blog
A domain name is an address that we use to enter a website. For example, my website domain is:
Naming a blog isn’t an easy task. You can choose any available domain name for your blog. But choosing the right domain name is essential. You can follow these 3 steps for choosing a proper domain name for your blog.
- Identifying your Audience
- Take help from Tools and Resources
- Domain Registration
After deciding about your niche, you have to choose an effective domain name and register it. Naming a website is important for connecting with audiences as well as Ranked high in Search Engine. And look at us, TechBattler is a tech blog, and it has the term “Tech” in the domain name.
For instance, Bizzie Mommy is a blog targeting moms and females around the world as an audience. The name suggests that the blog is about mom issues. Again sportbizz is a blog for sports lovers, and the audience here is not gender-dependent. So naming a blog can be pretty daunting, and you have to name
If you are finished identifying your audience, then you have to pick a name accordingly. But you ain’t no thesaurus or any dictionary. So take calculative help from online resources and tools. There is a universal formula if you are going to select the name yourself.
Blog name= [ Topic name + End Transformation]
Or you can simply use Online blog name generator like:
Wordoid, Panabee. They will suggest a catchy name for your Domain and Blog.
Here are some things you should try to keep in mind when selecting Blog name:
- Pick a short name
- Use catchy word
- Try to use a high search volume keyword in Domain name.
- Easy spelled word
- Relatable to niche
The last step after brainstorming about the blog name is registering it for a domain name. There are popular service providers that sell the domain name on a yearly and monthly basis. The most popular providers are Namecheap, GoDaddy,, And all the host providers sell Domain names, which we will cover on the next step.
Check available domain name:
But I suggest you not to spend extra money on buying a domain name. If you purchase any BlueHost hosting plan using our special link, you will get a free domain name registration. Get Free Domain Name!
3. Choosing a Good Hosting Provider
Hosting provider provides virtual land or space where you sow the seed of your Blog. Hosting your blog means to save all the resources of your Blog in a server which you are renting from a hosting provider. Some important facts depend on the host like the speed of the website loading, security, backup, data encryption.
There are many free web hosting providers out there. But, using a free hosting service can entirely ruin your blogging journey. You can just try creating a site there. But intend to host your blog in a free hosting provider by which you want to make money. You can’t even rank your post on google.
BlueHost is the biggest web hosting company in the world. It has more than 2 million hosted websites. Moreover, It’s affordable.
Why choose BlueHost? Check these factors:
Security: First thing first. What will you do if your website gets hacked by hackers? Yes, it’s must be a headache for all bloggers. All your earnings, effort, and anything you would have done will go in vain. For this reason, you must select a web hosting that provides you the best website security features. Choosing a good hosting like BlueHost will give you the best security of your website. Even if your site gets hacked, you can install a backup on your website anytime from the hosting c-pannel. BlueHost has the daily backup feature that will keep your latest website backup file every day.
Encryption Service: Data encryption is necessary for both ranking and being a reliable blog to readers. You need to search if the host provides an SSL encryption service. With BlueHost, you will get free SSL in any plan.
Trustworthiness: Who wants their site to be down! Check the records of downtime for the hosting provider. BlueHost guarantees you 99.99% uptime rate.
Customer Service: If you are a beginner, you will be falling into different types of problems building your site. So customer service is one thing to look at before choosing the provider. Even an expert needs help. BlueHost’s customer service is awesome. You can get any kind of help regarding your blog anytime. It’s open for you 24/7.
Pricing: Cost is an important factor for beginners. You have to choose the best provider with value for money priority. BlueHost offers all plans at affordable prices. If you have a budget issue, It’s not a matter for BlueHost as all plans are quite cheap.
Hosting Features: BlueHost has all the basic and advanced hosting features that you will need for any kind of blog/website.
You also have good alternatives: (Recommended if budget isn’t an issue for you)
If budget isn’t an issue for you, you can buy WP Engine (The best managed WordPress Hosting) hosting plan. If you are more devoted to WordPress, WP engine is the best choice to make. It’s specialized in WordPress. Besides, you will get all StudioPress paid genesis themes free with your hosting plan.
4. Install WordPress
Almost all of the sites that you are browsing using your net connection are created with WordPress. Installing WordPress on a blog post is not daunting for every hosting provider’s server. Some of them have a one-click WordPress installation option. Some of them come pre-built. But for some of the hosting provider’s servers, you have to install it yourself. We got you all covered here.
Install WordPress on BlueHost
The most awesome thing is that, after signing up, Bluehost automatically installs WordPress on your site. Except for the ‘Basic” plan, BlueHost allows you to install WordPress on unlimited websites you want.
To manage your site and data, log in to your BlueHost account and navigate to “My Sites.” There you will get your site WordPress login and other data.

If you are going to install WordPress to another site, just simply click “Create site.” Now you can simply install WordPress on your site with BlueHost WordPress wizard. You have to just put some basic data like site title, admin user name, and password. The wizard will do the rest in less than a minute.
Install WordPress on WP Engine
Just Like BlueHost, WP Engine also automatically installs WordPress on your website. You can also install WordPress on your site. For that, simply log-in to your WP Engine dashboard and navigate to Sites> Add site

Now simply choose the domain name where you want to install WordPress. Fill the basic information and click on “Create Environment.” That’s all! Now visit your site WP admin area and customize your site.
WP Engine is the best managed WordPress hosting provider. Get WP Engine Free for 3 months in every plan using our special link.
5. Install WordPress Themes and Plugins
Themes and plugins are like the farmers in the field. They decide how your website will look like. Choosing a good theme is one of the main important things for starting a blog. There are many free and paid themes out there. If you are serious enough with your blog, you would want to use a paid theme that gives your blog a professional look. Using a paid theme lets you make a unique design site and gives you a lot of customization features.
There are many awesome themes available on the market, like Astra, Divi, genesis themes, etc.
I personally recommend and use Genesis Framework themes. Many famous bloggers are using Genesis themes as It’s well coded, SEO friendly, and loads fast. Even WordPress itself recommends using the Genesis theme.
As Studiopress is now a part of WP Engine, you can get all StudioPress genesis themes for free by purchasing any hosting plan from WP Engine.
Plugins for WordPress are simple tools that help you build your website to a better one. Here are some most basic and important Plugins to improve your Blogging Game.
Updraft Plus- This is the best Plugins for your WordPress control panel to backup your data. It automatically syncs your data and backs up.
Sucuri Security- Security is one of the most important things. This plugin scans your blog’s security issues and makes it more secure.
Wp Rocket- This Plugin increases the loading speed of your Blog post by quite a degree. Must use tools for your site.
MonsterInsights: Best google analytics plugin for your WordPress site. Read Review: MonsterInsights Review
WPForms: Best WordPress form builder plugin. Read Review: WPForms Review
Beaver Builder and Divi- For customizing every bit of your blog post, you need to have one of these Builders. It can customize your homepage, landing page, theme, etc. Beaver Builder is a cool page builder for any themes. You can also customize any genesis theme with it.
Installing Plugins is a necessary step. Here is a basic guide to installing any Plugins in WP cPanel.
Go to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to Plugins> Add new.

You can either search for a plugin or upload a plugin .zip file.
Install and Activate your Plugin.
Now you have a complete Blog Post made for you to clear the path of you being a successful blogger.
6. Customize your blog
Customizing a blog post is for its aesthetic and convenient purpose. A good looking and nice user interface of a blog post will make the reader convinced to subscribe to your blog.
There are various things to do when customizing your blog post. The most important and essential customizations you need after installing WordPress are mentioned here.
Configuration of the Setting menu:
The Dashboard in WordPress is a very effective tool to make your blog look better. You can customize your blog post options via that dashboard. You need to create a menu, and then you can add the homepage, main menu, contact, about, content categories, etc.
Adding a new user account:
If you have a partner or you have some paid content writer whom you want to give access to publishing content, then you can create a new user account. You can also select what the user can do and can’t. Just go to customizer plugins and tap to adding a new user and put username, email, and password. Then you are ready to go.
Integrate SEO:
You can install popular SEO plugin like Yoast SEO plugins. It will rate how well your blog is for SEO. This plugin will give you an idea about how well you are gonna rank and what you need to do, for being a more successful blogger. It takes only five to ten minutes to set this plugin. At the time of publishing content, you have to put the meta description, focus keyword, and slug by the Plugin.
Building a contact form:
Building a contact form is essential to connect with your subscriber and readers. You have to implement a contact form at the bottom of the home page. Go to the WP dashboard and then you will find WP forms, then select contact form and then put the needed info, and you are good to go.
Adding Widgets:
Widgets make your blog look dynamic, and it is quite useful for the reader to navigate through your blog post. You can customize widgets from the WP dashboard. Go to Appearance and Select Widgets. There you will find everything you need for customized widgets. Customize it as you need. Remember, to follow widgets of all the high authority websites and blend it with your imagination.
Connect to Google Account:
Connect your blog post to Google Analytics and Google Search Console. This will let google crawl through your website easily, and it is also good for SEO. Google will provide you with data about how your website is connected to your reader. It will also inform the number of visits by using mobile, laptop, and tablet and top search queries for your blog. You can use MonsterInsights plugin, the best google analytics plugin, for doing all the google analytics things directly from your WordPress dashboard.
Here are a detailed review and using-guide of MonsterInsights: MonsterInsights Review: The Best Google Analytics Alternative
Mobile and Computer Preview:
Previewing your blog after setting everything for your blog will give you a clear view of how the readers are gonna engage and if you need to change anything. On the bottom of the WordPress Customizer, you will find the option of Preview as Desktop, Tablet, and mobile. Clicking the mobile icon will show you how the readers are gonna view your website.
7. Create Quality Content
Content is the key. Writing content for your blog is like driving a car. You can learn all the science behind it and memorize all the codes and standards, but at the time of the real deal, nothing matters except the passion and love for it. SEO is important for content, but what is more important is Reading value. You have to create great content to be a successful blogger. People will read your blog and engage whatever you mention, not robots. Yes, quality content matters. All the promotions, SEO, keyword research, marketing- what for? It’s content. People don’t come to your blog to praise for the blog. Rather they come for reading the content, solving their problems.
Here is a short note to write effective content:
First of all, choose the topic of the content. Remember, it’s not a good practice to write irrelevant content that doesn’t have a connection with your website topic.
Must do keyword research. You have to always do a lot more keyword research before writing content. There are a lot more free keyword research tools out there. But, if you really want to do better in keyword research and want to rank your keyword in the Google top page, you have to use a paid keyword research tool like Semrush. [Get Semrush with the exclusive deal here]
- Find out how the competition is writing about the same keywords. Point out what you want to include in your post.
- Create a Catchy headline that will convince the reader to read the article.
- To make the content more magical, add images, use humor, and try to explain complicated things in easy words.
- Maintain the flow of the Content. Tell someone to read and give feedback.
- And you must try to write better content than the other existing content for the keyword you want to rank for.
- Before publishing the content, make sure there is not a single grammatical error with tools like Grammarly.
8. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): The Game Changer
SEO is the marketing term for Blog Post. When you optimize your blogs for Search Engine, your blog will be more visible to audiences. Google’s tricky algorithm for SEO makes it harder for you to follow a simple (Not so simple) set of rules.
Without doing proper SEO for your blog, you can not make your blog a successful one. Your content is the heart of your blog. One the other hand, SEO is the heart of your content. Even doing proper SEO in less quality content can beat quality content (Not having proper SEO) in the search result. Here are some most important factors for SEO.
On-Page and OFF Page SEO
On-page SEO means the SEO thing you will do directly in your blog. OFF page SEO is its alternative.
For maximizing your On-Page and OFF SEO, you need to proper SEO audit using Semrush. It will guide you through which on-page customization you need to change like meta description, keyword placement, etc. Both On-page SEO and OFF SEO is a must thing for a blog to rank higher in google.
Keyword Research
Keyword research is the heart of SEO. Quality content is a must thing. But It’s also true that you can’t rank quality content with doing proper keyword research and optimizing for it.
As I mentioned above, you can use a lot of free keyword research tools. But the sad thing is, the features are limited in the free keyword research tools. For doing the best keyword research for your blog, you must buy a paid keyword research tool, and it’s necessary.
After doing lots of research on the keyword research and SEO features in paid tools, I found Semrush is the best among these. Semrush is no 1 SEO keyword research tool available on the market. It lets you find keyword suggestions, competitors keywords, and lots more SEO research features.
As a TechBattler lover, you can get an exclusive discount in Semrush using this link
Guest posting
Posting Articles for only your own blog will be good enough for you to be a successful blogger, but if you want to raise your game and be a better one, you should publish posts from other blogs as a guest blogger, and it will increase your blog authority as Search Engine will identify you as a Prominent Blogger. This is a simple yet very effective way to SEO.
But you have to be careful about link building as Google has changed its algorithm. Linking your website to a high authority domain can rank your site in google faster. On the other hand, linking to a lower authority site can decrease your rank on google. Even your site can be penalized.
SERP Research
SERP means Search Engine Result Page. When you search something by a keyword, you will find the top ranking websites on Google about that keyword. Then you have to follow the top rated pages and see if you can outrank them with quality articles following the same structure. You can also do this using Semrush.
Optimized Images
A good blog post doesn’t only contain text; it also must include Images for visual esthetic and for explaining the content to the readers. But Search engines don’t see the images; rather, they look at the alt image text. So you must include alt image text, or everything will be pointless. Image alt text also should be described with reference to the content. Use the keyword once, and the description should be less than 120 words.
9. Email Marketing
Email marketing is a modern technique by which you can generate more sell from your blog. It boosts your earning 2X. Building an email list is the most intelligent technique to increase your product or affiliate marketing sell as you contact your audience directly from your email. There are many free email marketing solutions. But, if you want to get the best result from email marketing, you can use Constant Contact.
10. Linking with Social Media
Building a brand reputation on social platforms will give you permanent subscribers and also high authority. You can link your blog to social platforms and enjoy the privileges of inorganic views. Besides, you can get a lot more visitors from your social media linkings. Here are some ideas for you to link your blog to social media.
Add a Twitter button to your blog at the bottom of your blog. And try to be active in twitter activity and market your blog post via short Twits.
Facebook Page:
Create a Facebook page for your blog and post some content of your blog. And build a group and base by this page for your blog.
Share your blog in bookmarking sites like DIGG, Reddit, and Stumbleupon. Don’t overdo this step, or you will be penalized by google.
Share your blog on Pinterest with catchy headlines that can attract Viewers. Pinterest is one of the best social platforms to get organic search.
11. Updating Blog Regularly
Updating your blogpost is necessary for SEO purposes as well as important for building authority.
Now the question is, how often will you upgrade your blog?
It depends on the content. You need to Update some posts once a week or even once a year. Most of the bloggers who are successful update once a month regularly, but that is after you have high authority.
Here are some reasons why you should update your blog and why it is important for being a successful blogger:
To spread a vibe for the readers to come back:
A blog is like a magazine subscription. See, your magazine has weekly, monthly, or yearly based subscription. When you read a magazine, you feel like subscribing to read it on a regular basis. So updating regularly will make your blog post more popular to a group of people.
High Ranking on SE:
Google and other search engines love fresh articles. When you update your article regularly, google spiders will crawl through your blog and index it to their server. This will increase your blog’s ranking and will also give you more organic search views.
Updating Blogs is an important step to earn a decent amount of money blogging. It creates opportunity and also gives you more motivation and passion for being a better blogger.
Make Money with Your Blog
The sole reason for you to start a blog is earning a decent amount of money. Money is a great motivator for the beginner and will merge you toward passion when you are in Intermediate Position. So being a Successful Blogger depends so much on financial causes. Now, earning money blogging is not that of an impossible task to do. There is so much way to earn money blogging is astonishing. If you have done every bit of work, we have compiled for you to do so. Follow this last bit to be a Successful one. Here are I’m mentioning a few popular ways to entangle on your blog to earn money. But there are lots more other ways to make money from your blog.
Affiliate Marketing:
What is affiliate marketing?
Affiliate marketing is something like promoting other products in your blog. It can be a referral link or banner ads. In a short thought, if someone buys anything from your affiliate link, you will earn a commission from it. For example: Suppose you add an amazon $200 pice product. You simply add the affiliate link in your article. If someone buys the products using your link, you will earn a percentage of the base price like $30.
There are huge numbers of sites like Amazon, eBay, ShareAsale that offers affiliate marketer promoting their products and gives you a good amount of commission.
Affiliate marketing is the one by which you can make thousands of money from your blog. Is it easy to do affiliate marketing? Well, A big “NO” from me. For making money with your blog using affiliate marketing, you need a decent amount of traffic.
For getting traffic like that, you need to do proper SEO and keyword research for your blog. Don’t lose hope. Affiliate marketing isn’t a single day task. If you maintain all of the things properly, you will surely do great in affiliate marketing.
And guess what, it’s affiliate marketing that can generate cash while you are sleeping. You have to write the article once, but you will make money from it for a lifetime.
There are lots of websites that are earning thousands of dollars per day in affiliate marketing.
Google AdSense:
You can also monetize your site with Google Adsense by displaying ads on your website. Though you can’t make that amount of money that affiliate marketing generates, you can earn a good amount from it. Many sites earn thousands of dollars per month with just google Adsense from their blog.
Sign up for Google AdSense and then simply put the AdSense code to your Website you are ready to go. But all of them can be done after being monetized. You can earn money by Google Ads in two ways Per Click and Per Impression. If someone clicks the ad, you get money, and even if they don’t click, you get money if they saw the ad. But the rate will vary.
Sponsored Post:
You can write a sponsored post on your blog and earn a decent amount of money. Write a post for your sponsor and your sponsor will pay you. Here is a good site for you to find a sponsor. TapInfluence
Display Advertising with other popular Ad Networks:
There are many alternatives to Google Adsense that offer the same monetizing features. You can also monetize your website with:
- Criteo
- InfoLinks
- Bidvertiser
- Chitika
- Propeller Ads
- BuySell Ads
- Monumetric, etc.
Sell Digital Products:
Often bloggers sell their own products instead of waiting for Amazon affiliate marketing. You can combine your post and make an ebook and sell them, and also you can sell your products.
Membership Site:
You can make the blog like Times-News and The Guardian. They sell membership. You have to pay them to read their post. This is a good way to earn money and make high authority. But you need high-quality posts.
If you have a reader base and you think they are loyal enough. You can open an account on Patreon or PayPal and can ask them to donate. If you have good quality articles, people will pay to continue your blog.
Sell Your Site:
You can also make money by selling your blog. There are a huge number of buyers out there to buy a quality blog. This is the easiest way to earn money. But you have to sell the entire blog and a pile of cash you will get. You can expect to earn 12-30 fold money you earn on a monthly basis. For instance, last year, Wlift sold their blog for $200k.
Here are some websites where you can sell your blog for a great deal of money:
Empire Flippers
But, I don’t recommend you this as it’s your hard-working result and you can have tons of options to make money from your blog.
Reasons not to start a blog
People have different ideas about things than the real truth. They presume things differently. There are some myths about blogging that make people make stupid decisions. Here are three reasons for you not for which you shouldn’t start a blog.
Want fast money: The One and Only Reason for not choose Blogging.
If you want a decent amount of money in a short period of time, then sell things on Craigslist, Facebook, Amazon, and eBay. Sometimes blogging can take one year to start seeing some money. Blogging doesn’t necessarily mean free stuff, free travel, or fast money. You have to be patient and take calculative decisions to earn money by Blogging. Clearly, don’t be fooled thinking of blogging as a quick cash job.
Blogging can be your full time and one and the only job that generates you a huge amount of cash. So, don’t take it as a 1 day or 1-month task. It’s more than that. I’m not discouraging you, but if you don’t have passion for it or you can’t give enough effort on it, then you should not expect big from it.
What is a Blog?
A blog is an informational website where people write their ideas and opinions about different things in an informal way. A blog is regularly updated like a diary, and the updated article remains at the top of the list.
Difference Between a blog and website
A blog is a kind of website. The fundamental difference between the two is, a blog is updated often like a personal journal. But a website in major point is static and where a collection of webpages are orchestrated into categories. And sometimes, a blog can be part of a big website where this section of the web will be revamped regularly.
Can you make money blogging today?
Once blogging was much more sophisticated and was a prominent part of the internet. Things have changed but in a good way if you are concerned about financial facts. Blogging is now a more lucrative option to earn money since dawn. Due to the rise of monetization, AdSense, Affiliate linking, Online Service Selling, etc. you can earn more money blogging than ever.
How much money does a blogger make?
Earning money being a blogger is not always secure, like a permanent job. But according to stats, the average salary of a blogger is around $ 15,000 dollar in a year. For a beginner, you can expect to earn about 500$-2,000$ in the first year, and it will increase to 10,000$ in the upcoming years. For instance, the top bloggers make more than 200,000$ a year, working 30 hours a week blogging. Undoubtedly, that’s pretty much better than a secure Job if you can shine.
How much time do I need to be a successful blogger?
Roughly, you need 3-6 months to start seeing some income on the way. But if you want blogging to be your main source of income, you need to give it a year or two. Whatever the time period is, you need to publish quality content regularly to succeed. Taking 1-2 years for the growth of the blog site will be good enough for you to start thinking about making it a full-time job. However, the meaning of success is different for different people.
Blogging is more than an online business. It’s your passion and love. Not all of us can survive in this field. If you follow all the steps that I mentioned above, you would definitely be able to make a successful blog. Just keep the faith and don’t lose your hope. Give your effort to it and take all the benefits from it.
Don’t forget to write your feedback in the comment section. Happy Blogging!
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